Meet Insane - the mental health media

the first online media entirely dedicated to mental health!

Where does the name come from?

Insane in English (and in old French) means crazy. In Arabic though... insan means human being ;)

Why mental health?

  • Feeling good in your own skin, on a daily basis, is getting more and more difficult.
  • Mental illnesses and disorders affect 1 out of 4 people each year.
  • Finding help when you’re not okay can prove seriously complicated and expensive.
  • Though mental health is increasingly discussed, that’s not always done right!

So what’s it going to look like?

Insane launched in February 2019. It is a media available exclusively online ( - expensive and + accessible), first in French and English, then in many more languages.

  • Reliable scientific and legal info that’s easily understandable
  • Practical, healthy advice
  • Interviews, news stories, and reports
  • Art work of all kinds
  • A soft, comforting and positive reading experience!

Aren’t there a number of magazines about mental health already?

Insane is not simply an online version of existing paper magazines ! It’s about:

  • legitimacy
  • reliability
  • honesty
  • diversity

It’s about answering the critical need to find help, and about envisioning your daily life without false pretences but with fierce optimism.

By the way… who are you?

  • My name is Lucie MANDO - VAN DER SANDE. I’m a young entrepreneure and I recently graduated with a Masters’ degree from Sciences Po, a highly selective French university.
  • I’m French and Syrian. I grew up in Damascus, Syria, and have been living in France since 2011. I also lived for a year in Germany as part of a university exchange program.
  • I have experienced mental health issues that proved threatening to my studies, my social life and my overall health.

What about you? Are you with me?

How about going on this adventure with me?

  • Newsletter : subscribe here you’ll be able to follow this project without your inbox getting flooded (I promise!).
  • Facebook Page : like the page here to support the project, to forward it to your friends and to access high-quality content that I regularly share!
  • Success will be ensured by you telling everyone about this media!
    • Please share this article with your loved ones, friends, colleagues...
    • Write me at to contribute (we can talk via email or in person, you can write an article yourself or have me do it for you, it could be a personal story that you want to share, a topic you’d like to read about… I’m open to suggestions and ideas!)

I need you for this to work. I need you so that people in distress can finally access the resources they need to heal.

Thank you! ;)